If your on Public area like a coffe corner or another public service and you're using laptop to be your device to conect internet maybe sometime you wanna go to toilet or just take some menu on cashier. Of course you must be little worry with your device that you left on the desk
But No worry, if you don't have lock key chain that lock your lapie to your table you can use this software to protect your valuable device
LALARM this software is free to distribute! its mean freeware so you no need to wory to spend your money just to buy some security program
This freeware can be set and install on your lapie and the trigger for this freeware is other device that you plugin on the lapie.like mouse, power adaptor flash disk or else.
How it works? when all device on your lapie unplug on that place the lapie will be noisy and the sound can be set before. and your windows/OS is set to be locked using password before
Iteresting isn't?
But No worry, if you don't have lock key chain that lock your lapie to your table you can use this software to protect your valuable device
LALARM this software is free to distribute! its mean freeware so you no need to wory to spend your money just to buy some security program
This freeware can be set and install on your lapie and the trigger for this freeware is other device that you plugin on the lapie.like mouse, power adaptor flash disk or else.
How it works? when all device on your lapie unplug on that place the lapie will be noisy and the sound can be set before. and your windows/OS is set to be locked using password before
Iteresting isn't?
LALARM: Freeware pengaman Laptop
* Set windows/OS mu berpassword ketika mau login
* Set suara sekeras mungkin
* masukkan flashdisk atau kabel power sebagai pemicu alarm (jadi bila flashdisk atau kabel dicabut maka lapie akan meraung-raung, mengeluarkan bunyi sesuai dengan suara yg kamu seting di awal)
Fitur yg gak kalah menarik yaitu
* self destruction file: bila salah masukin password folder atau file dalam lapie bisa dimusnahkan
* Jika terlanjur tercuri dan lapie terkoneksikan di internet maka bisa diseting pula tracker via email. yang terlebih dulu sudah diseting
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